There are various occasions when you may have come across people who claim that they have locs as they would refuse to call their hair ‘dreadful’. Many also say that dreadlocks have a derogatory connotation and the roots of that are from Jamaica. There are several people who may believe that it was in Jamaica that the dreadlocks actually originated but it is a wrong notion. That is because, before the Jamaicans, there are several other cultures that have sported dreadlocks such as Egyptians and the Indian Yogis.
Jamaican culture came up with this hairstyle after the slavery of the Indians. There is a line of thought that the concept of ‘dreads’ has its roots in Bible.
If you visit any holy place in India, you are bound to come across Yogis who have their hair styled in Dreadlocks even in today’s times. However, contrary to what many may think, dreadlocks are not just some hairstyle for these people. It is to demonstrate to the world that he or she has renounced personal needs and is in quest for getting connected with the divine spirit.
So why does many people have this derogatory feeling about the word ‘dreadlock’?
In Jamaica for instance, the residents have been using the term ‘dread’ as a mark of reverence similar to how one would make use of the word “sir” for addressing a person who is elder; or who you would want to show your regard to or perhaps when you don’t know that person well.
In Jamaica, the word ‘dread’ has originated from the country’s religious roots. In the medieval age, people showed respect and were afraid of all such people who had dreadlocks. In fact, if someone did wear dreadlocks, he or she was regarded as a powerful and holy person. People thought that the person was spiritually connected to the divine and he or she was distinct from the other people. Even if you get an opportunity to interact with a Yogi in the present day, he or she would definitely say that the journey taken has been different from people around them.
Can it be said that the term ‘dreadlock’ is a negative terminology as it is linked with someone who seems to be ‘dreadful’?
It really depends on your personal perspective as many people may not agree that it is a derogatory thing. So prior to accepting that the word ‘dreadlock’ has a negative connotation, you must do proper research. Only then can you determine how you should look at a person sporting ‘dreadlock’. It is better not to follow the conflicting information blindly.
Jamaican culture came up with this hairstyle after the slavery of the Indians. There is a line of thought that the concept of ‘dreads’ has its roots in Bible.
If you visit any holy place in India, you are bound to come across Yogis who have their hair styled in Dreadlocks even in today’s times. However, contrary to what many may think, dreadlocks are not just some hairstyle for these people. It is to demonstrate to the world that he or she has renounced personal needs and is in quest for getting connected with the divine spirit.
So why does many people have this derogatory feeling about the word ‘dreadlock’?
In Jamaica for instance, the residents have been using the term ‘dread’ as a mark of reverence similar to how one would make use of the word “sir” for addressing a person who is elder; or who you would want to show your regard to or perhaps when you don’t know that person well.
In Jamaica, the word ‘dread’ has originated from the country’s religious roots. In the medieval age, people showed respect and were afraid of all such people who had dreadlocks. In fact, if someone did wear dreadlocks, he or she was regarded as a powerful and holy person. People thought that the person was spiritually connected to the divine and he or she was distinct from the other people. Even if you get an opportunity to interact with a Yogi in the present day, he or she would definitely say that the journey taken has been different from people around them.
Can it be said that the term ‘dreadlock’ is a negative terminology as it is linked with someone who seems to be ‘dreadful’?
It really depends on your personal perspective as many people may not agree that it is a derogatory thing. So prior to accepting that the word ‘dreadlock’ has a negative connotation, you must do proper research. Only then can you determine how you should look at a person sporting ‘dreadlock’. It is better not to follow the conflicting information blindly.