Monday, July 7, 2014

Are You Sure It Is Dandruff?

Dandruff is in its mildest forms is just the flaking of the dead skin of the scalp. More often than not, it can easily be tackled with the use of shampoos and cleansers. However, there are times when factors like fungal infections can result in the flaking of the skin and may require the use of medicated shampoos and application of certain specialized oils like teat-tree oil for complete treatment.

If you have been experiencing dandruff that refuses to go away, you must stop and ask yourself if the flakes that you see on your hair and shoulders are really dandruff or something else.

Conditions that can be easily mistaken for dandruff
  • Buildup of hair care products – It is very easy for hair care products like conditioners, oils, serums, and gels to get trapped near the roots of the hair on the scalp. If the product hasn't been rinsed properly, it can start to flake just like dandruff. These flakes are oilier to touch and can even cause itching. Use a scalp cleanser and thoroughly rinse your scalp and hair everyday to prevent this condition.
  • Dry scalp – This may be the simplest explanation for flakes in your hair. Sometimes, the scalp can become dry in winters or due to use of certain shampoos. Not hydrating your body and hair enough can also give rise to this condition. The scalp skin starts to flake and may look like dandruff to you when actually it is not.
  • Other scalp conditions – There are certain scalp conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis that can cause the bild up of flake in the scalp. Understanding and studying the kind of flaking you are experiencing is the key to know the difference between these conditions and dandruff. While seborrheic dermatitis produces very oily flakes, psoriasis produces thick and dry flakes that may be found on other parts of the body as well. Flaking in these conditions is just one of the symptoms and not the only symptom, as is usually the case with dandruff.
If you think that you may be suffering from any of the above conditions, immediate measures can be taken to bring the situation under control. Dry scalp and product buildup can be easily tackled at home. If you think you may have a scalp condition, it is best to undergo treatment and obtain guidance from a dermatologist without delay. 

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