Thursday, May 28, 2015

Three Curly Hair Problems and How to Solve Them

While the world envies our natural curls, most of us who have them can list the challenges that curly hair brings. Curly haired women often complain that their hair simply has a mind of its own and is almost impossible to rein in. While this might not be far from the truth, there are simply ways to tackle your unruly lion’s mane. Here are a few of the most common problems you face as a woman with curls, and how best you can solve them.

Problem: Frizz

You can spend hours together styling your hair, but as soon as you set step outside the humidity turns on you and leaves your hair in a frizzy mess.

Solution: You can eliminate the frizz in a few simple steps. First, wash your hair at least two to three times a week. After conditioning your hair, go through it with a wide-tooth comb. Once you have washed off your hair don’t rub it with a towel. Instead, gently soak out the moisture with an old t-shirt or a micro-fibre towel. Also, invest in a good leave-in conditioner and keep your hands off your hair when it is drying.

Problem: Volume

Curly Hair tends to be big in volume. Often you find yourself walking out that door with a mane of hair around you.

Solution: The simplest way to cutting down volume and avoiding a puffy hair, is to invest in a good salon. A great hair stylist will use scissors to cut down the bulk. When your curls easily fit in with each other and have a smooth fall, the problem of too much volume is automatically eliminated.

Problem: Tangles

Having curly can truly be a knotty affair. Curls are especially prone to knots and tangles because of its inherent follicle structure. When the cuticles of our hair are put through hot styling tools, chemical products and also due to natural wear and tear, it tends to tangle easily.

Solution: Using a good conditioner and gently comb through your hair in the shower. When your hair is dry and it has a particularly difficult knot in it, spray that area with a little extra leave-in conditioner before working out the knot with your fingers. Lastly, tie up your hair in bun when you sleep so that rubbing your head on the pillowcase does not worsen the knot problem.

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